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Jun 11, 20246 min read
Camino de Santiago with a baby
We walked more than 650km carrying our 7 month old baby. Want to know all the details? Read on!
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Jul 29, 20235 min read
A homeland visit to Balti, Moldova after almost 25 years
I found myself in an unplanned trip back to Balti after not visiting since I left as a child. Read into my flashback to childhood
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Oct 14, 20227 min read
A Dominican roller coaster, and not the type you imagine
Ever had a roller coaster of a day? Planned to perfection, and each part of the day just jumps around from better to worse? Here is ours
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Oct 11, 20225 min read
Iztaccihuatl - A volcano I couldn't summit, but maybe you can!
The 3rd highest mountain in Mexico, and it is hike-able, want to know how, or more importantly, how not? Read it here!
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Oct 2, 20228 min read
What is the highest peak of the Caribbean and how to get up there?
At 3103m Pico Duarte is the highest peak in Dominican Republic, and in all the Caribbean and it's really easy to reach! Here is how to do it
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Sep 29, 20226 min read
A 4 day hike in Greece to see the world's deepest canyon (yes, it's not the Grand Canyon).
It is Vikos Canyon in the Pindus Mountains of north-western Greece, Want to know one way to get there? Read it here!
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Sep 29, 20223 min read
Can you hike from Police nad Metuji? Yes, try these trails!
Do you have a free weekend and you want to visit a less-visited by tourists place? Here is your chance!
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Sep 26, 20227 min read
How did I start diving?
I can't swim, I'm diving regularly, not only that, I'm even a rescue diver!
How is that possible you ask? Read it here
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Apr 1, 20225 min read
How to spend 3 days hiking in Bohemian Switzerland
Discover the beauty of this national park with your legs instead of a bus! Change your plans midway or just chill. Here is what we did
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Apr 1, 202213 min read
The high Tatras hike that made us cry of pain and joy
Our personal story of hiking the high Tatras. Repeat our success, learn from our mistakes. Sounds interesting? Give it a read
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Apr 1, 20227 min read
Canoeing in Czech Republic, where to start?
Canoeing is one the favorite summer activities for Czech people! Want to try it as well? Here is how you start
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Apr 1, 20226 min read
Open cellars in Moravia. Try it, but maybe not like us
Are you familiar with the open cellar concept? Have you ever made plans you were not able to execute? Read about our adventure here!
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Apr 1, 20225 min read
Our first music festival, or not? 3 things we did in Bogota instead of a cancelled Jamming festival
Did you ever buy tickets to a festival that was cancelled? We did. Want to know how did we handle it? Keep reading
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Oct 15, 20205 min read
El Choro - The Bolivian trail that has it all
There are not many trails that have both alpine mountains and tropical rain forests. El Choro has is all. Here is how we did it
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Oct 18, 20193 min read
The one time we got hustled in Peru
There are always stories about people getting robbed, lost or even worse. Nothing as serious happened to us, but they got us one time.
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Apr 30, 20186 min read
The 100 different beers challenge
Belgium is famous for it's beers, I am famous for drinking them. The first time I visited Belgium I got a challenge. Here is how it went
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